They search in Australia for a radio host who disappeared in a river full of crocodiles


The Australian Police are searching this Tuesday for a Sydney radio host who disappeared two days ago during a solo excursion to go fishing in a remote river whose waters are infected with crocodiles.

Dozens of troops are participating in the search operation to search the Oliver River with vehicles, boats and helicopters, in the area on the remote Cape York Peninsula and at the northern tip of the state of Queensland, authorities point out.

The authorities found the vehicle of the missing man, about 60 years old and identified as Roman Butchaski, former announcer for the Sydney radio station 2GB and known as Butch, near the river.

Queensland Police Sergeant Duane Amos told reporters the region is a well-known crocodile habitat, but added Butchaski is familiar with the area.

The rivers and estuaries of the tropical areas of northern Australia are usually inhabited by saltwater crocodiles, larger and more ferocious than other species, and although attacks by these reptiles against humans are not frequent, at least one has been recorded since 2021. dozen of them.