This is 'Big Joke', the 'super cop' and Buddhist monk in charge of the case of Daniel Sancho


Surachate Hakparn is the real name of the 'super cop' and Buddhist monk known as Big Joke and in charge of solving the murder of Edwin Arrieta allegedly at the hands of Daniel Sancho. Hakparn's entry has been decisive in the investigation, the agent entered the case when the remains of the Colombian surgeon appeared in several garbage bags scattered around the island of Koh Pangham, according to El Periódico.

Big Joke has extensive experience in media cases and his ability to manage delicate situations made him the perfect candidate to solve this case that has attracted so much attention from the Spanish and foreign media.

In addition, the police have also dealt with foreign citizens on previous occasions. In 2019, he was in charge of managing the international conflict of Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, a young Saudi who was fleeing Kuwait due to the mistreatment to which her family subjected her.. At the time this happened, Big Joke was the head of immigration in the Royal Thai Police, he claimed that the authorities had acted at the behest of Saudi Arabia.

However, Surachate Hakparn's career has been criticized on several occasions, specifically when a British woman reported a rape and the agent not only questioned the victim's version but also threatened to prevent her from entering Thailand if it was proven. that his claim was false.

In 2019, Big Joke held a position in the office of the Thai Prime Minister. Months later, they tried to shoot him dead, so he was forced to go live in India, where he began his training as a Buddhist monk.

Years later, the policeman and Buddhist returned to the country and, gradually, recovered his position as a policeman, although immigration issues were too small for him.. Currently, Surachate Hakparn has carved out a status as a 'super cop' for being in charge of solving the most heinous crimes involving foreigners, such as Daniel Sancho.