A Spanish company patents a revolutionary invisible orthodontic system

In 1997, an American company invented the first invisible orthodontic system. He revolutionized the dental sector with a technique that is now preferred by doctors and patients to treat dental malocclusions.. 20 years later, Geniova, a 100% Spanish company, once again revolutionizes the world of orthodontics with an innovative hybrid system. We interviewed the company's CEO to learn first-hand about the potential and advantages of this new patent.
Carlos Arroyo, general director of World Patents in 150 countries.. How is this achieved? With a lot of human talent, enthusiasm and investment. Imagine what it means to invent something, test, make mistakes, correct and try again.. And that, doing it hundreds of times. And, from there, create a patent model and go country by country registering it. The one in the US has been one of the ones that has cost us the most. 18 months in total. And we have just started the FDA approval process to be able to start marketing.
Now is when we have begun to expand internationally, at first slowly but surely, to pick up speed and accelerate. How have these years of development been? I imagine they are tough, right? Years of pride and resilience. We have faithfully completed the stages of a startup. From the conceptual stage to the growth and scalability stage, which is what we are immersed in. Growing in double digits thanks to the high demand from prescribing doctors. What are the advantages of this new technique? Meeting the objectives in the established time. This has always been the biggest problem that invisible orthodontics has had since its birth: that the prescribing doctor can plan a dental movement and achieve it in the stipulated time with the defined splints.. Now, Geniova, thanks to its patent, is able to help you fulfill that digital planning with a higher percentage of success.. The treatment lasts less and is not extended over time with the use of more devices than those initially designed. What does this innovative system consist of? It is a fusion of existing and proven technologies: the bracket and the transparent splints. With all the good things about each one and minimizing their shortcomings.
What we have achieved is to digitize the bracket and stamp it on the splint itself, so we can direct the movement, and the lingual NITI arch is what generates the movement force. Exactly the same as the biomechanics of traditional fixed orthodontics, but being invisible. This arc allows for much greater efficiency in generating that movement.
Our patented accelerator is used in the initial phases for arch shaping and alignment, i.e. space generation and transverse movements.. Precisely the movements that are most difficult for splints. Once this initial phase is over, the treatment continues until completion with our own transparent splints. What future plans does the company have? Many. We have just started. We are already solving complex cases in combination with complementary auxiliary appliances; and we are finishing developing orthopedic functionalities integrated into our devices; treatment in children with mixed dentition… And, in the future, incorporate the rectangular arch to have total control of three-dimensional movements. That is costing us more due to the materials that exist right now for direct 3D printing and their limitation in production for large volumes. For something so important, I imagine that you will have a leading team… It is always the most important thing, the human team. Us. Always. But in a startup, even more so. Imagine: when we started there were 5 of us; now we are many more. But our goal remains the same: to attract the best possible talent and take care of them.
I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank each of them. To those who are and those who are no longer. Without them, none of this would have been possible.
This text has been developed by UE Studio, the creative branded content and content marketing firm of Unidad Editorial, for GENIOVA.