Greta Thunberg blocks the port of Malmö hours after being tried and sentenced for the same

HEALTH / By Carmen Gomaro

The climate activist Greta Thunberg was sentenced this Monday to pay a fine for blocking the entry and exit of tanker trucks in the oil port of the city of Malmö, in southern Sweden, on June 19.

Thunberg was fined 216 euros, which will go to the Fund for Victims of Crime, according to the Swedish news agency TT.. However, the fine should not have had much effect since hours after hearing the sentence, the 20-year-old climate activist returned to the same port accompanied by other members of the Take Back the Future movement, to repeat the same protest action, for which she was again evicted by the police.

“It is true that I was there that day and it is true that I received an order that I did not listen to,” Thunberg told the court hours before.. The accusation assured that the activist refused to leave the place after the request of the police. The activist was accused of disobedience to the forces of order but declared that her actions are “justifiable”, as she tried to insist hours later.

Thunberg alluded to the fact that she acted because of an “emergency due to the climate crisis”. He added that the climate crisis “threats life, health and property”. However, the court considered that the climate crisis does not exempt him from responsibility.

At the hearing, the Prosecutor's Office showed a recording where Thunberg and other young people are seen sitting in the oil port and blocking the road. A policeman tells them to move and asks them again if they have understood what is happening and if they have heard the order.