Hair loss, climate change can also affect autumn loss

HEALTH / By Carmen Gomaro

To understand why our hair falls out at one time more than another, we need to know the life cycle of hair.. It consists of three phases and, curiously, all of them are related to the number three.

What is the life cycle of our hair like?

First growth or anagen phase, which lasts an average of three years. It is the period in which hair is growing at its normal rate. Hair grows on average a month, more or less, one centimeter. In this phase the hair follicle is very well nourished and nutrients reach it without any problem.

Second transition or catagen phase. Lasts about three weeks. In this phase, the activity of the root stops and the hair stops receiving nutrients: the hair will stop growing and will remain like this, withering for a few weeks, like a flower that you pluck from the ground, before moving to the telogen phase. .

Third telogen phase, lasts about three months. This is the third and final phase of the hair life cycle: the hair no longer grows and is dying, on the verge of caramel. It will fall out at any time when washing or brushing our hair.

Fourth phase and end of cycle, start again. Now a new hair is born and a new anagen phase would begin. We must not forget that if a hair dies it is because there is another behind it pushing to be born.. Therefore, most of the time we are wrong when we talk about hair loss or fall.. It's actually renewal!

Is it true that hair falls out more in autumn?

It is true that statistically a greater drop is observed during the fall. This is because at the end of spring and beginning of summer the hair enters the last phase, the “terminal” phase which, as we have seen, lasts about three months.

That is, hair does not fall out immediately from one day to the next because it is autumn.. What happens when autumn arrives is that the hair has already been “caramel ready” for 3 months since spring.

Does climate change influence hair loss?

In addition to DANA, climate change has other unexpected dramatic effects. It is true that in recent years, coinciding with climate change, we have seen how the molt comes a little earlier in the months of August-September.

How long does it take to completely renew your hair?

In approximately four years all our hair falls out and we have new hair.. Although some animal species shed their fur all at once during a single time of year, in the case of humans this 'molting' is progressive.

Up to 90% of our hair is in a continuous growth phase, and 10% is in the loss phase.. This random loss, of some hairs yes and some no, has a great advantage and that is that it prevents us from suddenly appearing bald everywhere.. There is only one exception: newborns. At three or four months, babies lose practically all the initial fluff that covers their heads to make way for new hair.

How do I know if my hair loss is normal?

It is estimated that a person can have an average of one hundred thousand hairs, of which they lose between 50 and 150 every day.. Up to this point it is considered normal. If we lose beyond this amount it may mean that we are facing some pathology. But we cannot confuse this with alopecia-alopecia, which is permanent hair loss.

Do we have to take vitamin supplements in autumn for hair loss?

Fake! Specialists insist that almost all hair that falls out in autumn recovers and will reappear after three or four months, whether we take vitamin supplements with it or not.. It's as if we gave a woman a supplement to stop her period and we told her: “take this, it will go away in 4 or 5 days.”. Well of course it happens…. And this is the same: our follicles need to renew themselves just as the endometrium does with each menstruation.

So, why do we take vitamin supplements? Are they useless?

Of course they work! But not for what we have been told on many occasions.. They serve to improve the cosmetic appearance of the hair. It may appear brighter, more lustrous…. But not for it to grow more. They would only be useful if the person had a nutritional deficit, for example, in the event that there is a lack of biotin, iron, protein or zinc.. but this is not usually the main cause of hair. And if this is the cause, it would occur throughout the year, not just in the fall. Ah! And in any case, we can also get these nutrients through food.

Does women's hair fall out more in autumn?

Fake! What happens is that since they have long hair it is more noticeable.

Does pulling your hair or making tight ponytails help your hair fall out?

Fake! Although some “experts” recommend not putting a ponytail, the root of the hair is half a centimeter deep below the skin and this does not affect that much.. The hairs that we manage to pull out easily are because they are already in the last phase, half loose.

Can using gel, hairspray, shampoo or dyes cause more hair loss?

Fake! It can damage the hair, but not the roots.

Can hair fall out due to stress?

This is true! Emotional stress can also force more hairs than normal to enter the shedding phase.. Therefore, the fall will appear approximately three months after the stage in which we have been especially stressed.