Larva migrans, the worm that grows and moves under the skin of the influencer Lucía Pombo

HEALTH / By Carmen Gomaro

In the last few hours, the popular influencer Lucía Pombo, sister of the well-known María Pombo, is in the spotlight for a very special souvenir that she brought back from her last vacation: a live “worm” under the skin of a finger of the foot that grows and moves.

And no, this is not a joke or one of those viral challenges that influencers like so much, it is a larva that you could also bring back as a souvenir from your next vacation if you do not follow some simple precautions.

This is how Lucía Pombo showed the worm she had in her foot on her Instagram IG. LUCÍA POMBO What is that “worm”?

Its scientific name is Larva Migrans, the migratory larva, a parasite that sneaks under our skin whenever it has the opportunity.. A small wound or a tiny crack in the epidermis is enough for this larva to have an entrance.. Once there, it will begin to grow and move under our skin.

But can it be seen with the naked eye?

That's right, it is perfectly visible to the naked eye.. We will observe a small cord several centimeters long, linear and serpentine, that moves slowly. The diagnosis is made by observing the affected area, which is also usually red and somewhat swollen, although if the parasite has not yet grown much it can be confused with the lesions caused by scabies.

Where does that larva come from?

The migratory larva is transmitted mainly through the feces of dogs, cats and felines that have not been dewormed.. Even sheep, goats and cattle can be hosts.

These animals have a parasite called Ancylostoma Braziliense in their intestines that deposits numerous eggs, which are expelled outside with feces.. Once outside the intestine, they become larvae that will penetrate under our skin when we come into contact with them.

How can I get infected?

The main reason is walking barefoot in countries where dogs and cats are usually unwormed.. Migratory larvae are found especially in moist soils with sand or earth, which have been previously contaminated with feces from these animals.

Can I get infected with this larva in Spain?

It can happen, in fact it is already considered an endemic infection in Spain, but it is very rare. Generally, the cases that we find in hospitals and health centers are from travelers who have been visiting a country with a hot and humid climate, especially tropical and subtropical areas, and where the conditions for deworming animals are not adequate.

In this case, Lucía Pombo most likely became infected during her recent vacation in Tanzania.

It is dangerous?

No, it is not a serious infection, but it is unpleasant.. Seeing a species of worm growing day by day and feeling how it moves under the skin is not a nice experience, and to that we must add the itching caused by the feces that it leaves under the epidermis.. What can be a problem are scratching injuries that we can cause due to itching and that can easily become infected.

If I go to the hospital, will they remove the worm?

No, the treatment does not include the extraction of the larva, in fact it is totally inadvisable to do so.. Years ago it was treated with cryotherapy, applying cold to the larva, but it was an ineffective treatment and caused pain.. Currently, treatment involves drugs with benzimidazole derivatives that are taken orally for a few weeks and applied as a cream.

When the larva dies, is it removed?

No, it is usually left there. Little by little our body will surround it with fibrin until it disappears, it will only be extracted in case a cyst forms in the area that gives us problems.

Does it always enter through the feet?

Not at all, it can do it on any part of our skin, but in most cases that we see the larva is found on the hands or feet.. There are cases described in which the larva was found in a chest or buttocks.

What if I don't find out I have it?

In the unlikely event that we don't feel like we have a moving larva or itch, nothing serious will usually happen either.. The larva will not grow forever, but will die after a few months as it is not a parasite that can survive and reproduce in the human body.. But the itch is intense, so it will be strange if we don't know it's there