The smallest border in Spain: two students, 32 professors and a seven-year degree

The end of university studies is one of the happiest moments in the life of any student. Time to dress in his best clothes, go to the graduation ceremony thinking about the after party, listen to the speeches of the dean, professors and godfather and pick up the border in which he appears with all his classmates, but only if he has them.

This is what has happened to Alberto Lázara, a double graduate in Pharmacy and Optics and Optometry from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and member of the smallest graduation group in Spain..

Alberto and his partner, Tamara Pereiro, make up the entire first promotion of this degree at said university, but he is the only one who has finished it, since he has shortened one year of the seven stipulated in the study plan by taking more subjects of those due by course. But when I saw that my friends, who have done more normal careers, were already starting to work, I decided to take more subjects to shorten the time,” Alberto explains in a conversation with EL MUNDO.

However, they did not start this adventure alone, since there were 10 students who started this double degree in 2017, but eight of them had to leave along the way: “They left because they wanted to take oxygen and perhaps I was with another philosophy of life. I convinced myself that it was worth it, that I was in a good university and that I was going to have many opportunities”.

And so it was, because after the internship, Alberto was hired at a pharmacy where, despite the fact that he assures that he is “very happy”, he does not want to “stagnate” and stay there all his life..

Because the graduate makes it clear that, although he has had a lot to study, “he is not a 'prince' of those who are locked up all day”. And it is that, during the degree, he has known how to combine his life as a student with going out to party with his friends and practicing performing arts, his other option when choosing studies: “I continued singing, playing and acting

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