Venus and Mars conjunct the Moon


Between Sunday May 21 and Wednesday May 24, spend a few minutes after sunset to contemplate the scenes that will make up Venus, Mars and the crescent Moon. In addition, just before dawn we are already witnessing the return of Jupiter that is close to Saturn.

Two rocky planets…

A couple of hours after sunset, you have to face the northwest, that is, looking a little to the right of the direction in which the Sun has disappeared.. If the sky is clear and we are in a point with low light pollution, we will see a beautiful celestial spectacle: Venus shines super bright in the center of the constellation of the Twins, below its main stars, Castor and Pollux.. Higher up and a little further north, Mars shows its discreet orange glow. Both planets are very easy to recognize, but Mars appears much weaker because in recent months, as it orbits the Sun, it has been moving away from Earth, so its brightness is now less than that of Castor and Pollux. .

And to complete this picture, we can also see the delicate lunar crescent, very fine on the 21st and very close to the horizon (the new moon was on Friday the 19th), and progressively brighter and higher as the days go by.. So on the 23rd it will be between Venus and Mars, and on the 24th next to the red planet.

On the dark part of the lunar disk it is now possible to observe its delicate ashen glow: it is the reflection of a reflection, it comes from sunlight that first reflects on the Earth before reaching the Moon. The intensity of this ashen light has been used for centuries by popular wisdom to try to predict the weather.

Although Castor and Pollux are the stellar protagonists of the scene, if we are lucky enough to be in a very dark place, we will be able to enjoy the sight of many more stars, Protion stands out in Can Menor and Capella further west, the brightest of the constellation Auriga.

… and two gas giants

Early risers who look at the sky before sunrise will be lucky enough to see two giant planets. To do this, it is convenient to look towards the northeast one hour before solar rising, that is, around 6 in the morning.

After the two months that it has remained unobservable because it is in a direction very close to that of the Sun, Jupiter is back. It is very low above the horizon, but despite the lavish colors of dawn, this giant planet is so extremely bright that it can already be seen without difficulty.. Of course, it is preferable to choose an observation point with a clear horizon, without trees or buildings, and at altitude if possible.

On the 21st, Jupiter rises at 5:37 a.m. (Peninsular time) and from that moment it is possible to see its calm ascent above the horizon until sunlight camouflages its glow.

Jupiter and Saturn on May 21 RB

Higher above the horizon is Saturn, which on the same day 21 rose around 3:30 in the morning.. The giant with the rings rises about 40 minutes earlier each day and, therefore, if we look at it one night after another at the same time, we will see that it gains height with each passing day. If you are lucky enough to be able to observe it through a small telescope, you will be able to get a beautiful view of its fascinating rings because, now, their inclination is small, making the perspective on the planet particularly beautiful.

solstice path

With only one month left until the summer solstice, the brilliant winter constellations, such as Orion and the Canis Major, are losing prominence as they camouflage themselves behind the glare of the sun.. The nights are getting shorter. On the 21st, the Sun rises at 6:54 a.m. and sets at 9:30 p.m. (official peninsular time), so we barely have 9 and a half hours of darkness. But the mild weather of this time of year invites us to enjoy the nights, look up at the sky and remember, even if only for a few minutes, that we are part of a wonderful family: the solar system.

Rafael Bachiller is director of the National Astronomical Observatory (National Geographic Institute) and academic of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain