What can cause the pulmonary embolism suffered by Genoveva Casanova?

Genoveva Casanova, ex-wife of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo, has suffered a pulmonary embolism, which has caused a stroke and pulmonary infarction, according to Hola. The magazine assures that Casanova went to the hospital because of severe back pain that did not subside, and that he initially attributed to a muscle contracture. She has been admitted to the Moncloa University Hospital in Madrid for eight days and is already recovering at home.

What is pulmonary embolism?

Pulmonary embolism is a type of venous thromboembolism (VTE), which occurs when thrombi form in the venous circulatory system that can be released into the general circulation and reach the pulmonary arteries.. This is how the University of Navarra Clinic explains it. The thrombus can develop in a blood vessel anywhere in the body, often in the leg. Its affectation is serious and can cause permanent damage to the affected lung or other organs due to not receiving enough oxygen.

What are the symptoms?

The most common are shortness of breath, pain when breathing deeply, faster heart rate and acute chest pain, a symptom that according to the magazine was what made Genoveva Casanova go to the hospital.. Less frequent manifestations are: cough, with or without blood, feeling anxious or fearful, and feeling dizzy or faint, although half of people with pulmonary embolism have no symptoms.

To know more
loc. Genoveva Casanova suffers a pulmonary embolism that leads to a pulmonary infarction

Genoveva Casanova suffers a pulmonary embolism that leads to a pulmonary infarction

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Genoveva Casanova suffers a pulmonary embolism that leads to a pulmonary infarction. And the causes?

It usually occurs when part of the clot formed in the veins breaks off and travels through the bloodstream to other parts of the body.. Thrombi are normally formed when blood stagnation is caused such as:

  • Immobilization of any of the members due to surgeries or fractures.
  • Postoperative.
  • prolonged bedridden
  • Presence of varicose veins.
  • Situations with direct damage to the veins caused by surgery.
  • Presence of intravenous catheters.

Genetic alterations, some general diseases and the presence of cancer can also facilitate the formation of thrombi.

How is it diagnosed?

For its diagnosis, thrombi must be located in the venous territory or emboli in the pulmonary arteries.. For this it may be necessary to carry out some tests such as:

  • The main test used is computed tomography pulmonary angiography (CTPA) which takes pictures of blood vessels and looks for blood clots in the lungs.
  • Blood tests that measure substances in the blood that may be signs of a blood clot. These tests can be used as a first step to detect signs of blood clots in otherwise healthy people.. The doctor may also check the oxygen levels in the blood, as a low blood oxygen level can be a sign of a blood clot.
  • The ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) study that measures airflow and blood flow in the lungs.

It must be completed with a study of the predisposing factors or facilitators of thrombus formation when the doctor suspects that there may be them.. This may include studies of hypercoagulability and, in some cases, the search for tumors using imaging techniques.

How is it treated?

The fundamental treatment is anticoagulant drugs with heparin or acenocoumarol, the duration of which depends on the risk that the patient has for the formation of thrombi.. When the pulmonary embolism is chronic, which occurs more rarely, other treatments may also be required to lower pulmonary pressure, including surgical treatment in some cases.

How can it be prevented?

Increasing the flow of the deep veins with physical measures that favor it, such as raising the foot of the bed, early mobilization, as well as the different models of bandages, pneumatic compression and elastic stockings.

Pharmacological measures are indicated mainly in patients at high risk of suffering from venous thromboembolic disease (VTE).. Currently, it is administered subcutaneously with a heparin preparation.

National Heart, Land and Blood Institute recommends a series of measures such as:

  1. Prevent recurrence of a thrombus. Talk to your doctor about your risk, get regular checkups, and take all medications as prescribed to help reduce the chances of recurrence of blood clots.
  2. Make healthy lifestyle changes. Talk to your provider about changes you may need to make, such as choosing heart-healthy foods, being physically active, trying to stay at a healthy weight, and quitting smoking.
  3. take care of mental health. Anxiety, fear, and stress can be common after having a blood clot. Talk to your health care provider if you need support.

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