Tag Archives: Casera

Indulging in Spanish Soft Drinks: A Unique Beverage Journey!

Indulging in Spanish Soft Drinks: A Unique Beverage Journey! 

Spain, a haven for relaxation and delightful drinks, offers a plethora of options beyond alcoholic beverages. Of course, the classics like Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, and Pepsi are readily available and beloved.

However, if you’re eager to savor something traditionally Spanish, prepare to be captivated by these exceptional choices! 

Horchata: Originating from Valencia, Spain, Horchata is often associated with Mexico, but the Spanish version uses chufas or tiger nuts instead of rice.

Photo: Horchata. Spain.

A milky, sweet elixir, water-brushed nuts are blended with sugar to achieve a delightful taste. This chilled beverage pairs wonderfully with afternoon pastries, especially on a scorching summer day. 

Granizado: A delightful Spanish twist on the classic Slushie, Granizado comprises crushed or shaved ice combined with flavored syrup.

Photo: Granizado. Spain.

The quintessential lemon flavor remains a favorite, but you can explore a multitude of other enticing options like cherry, red berries, cola, and even mojitos. The Granizado offers a refreshing respite during warm Madrid days and across Spain. 

Casera: For a genuinely unique Spanish experience, the Casera awaits. This simple yet rare drink is seldom found beyond Spain’s borders.

Photo: Casera. Spain.

Comprising sparkling water infused with a hint of lemon, Casera’s charm lies in the perfect harmony of just two classic ingredients – water and lemon. Bottled variations are available, or you can effortlessly create this gem at home. 

Hot Chocolate: Spaniards have an undeniable penchant for sweet treats, and their love for thick, rich Caliente chocolate is unmatched.

Photo: Hot Chocolate. Spain.

Often served for breakfast or as a sumptuous dip for fried churros, this luscious concoction is made directly from cocoa beans, delivering a burst of luxurious flavors. While it may initially pack a robust punch, one can quickly become enamored with its tantalizing taste. 

Mango Agua Fresca: Hailing from Central America, Mango Agua Fresca is a heavenly fruit puree, a perfect companion for the scorching summer months.

Photo: Mango Agua Fresca. Spain.

Whether served as a thick puree between meals or as a more diluted version, this refreshing drink is best enjoyed after cooling for an hour. It’s the ultimate remedy to beat the summer heat. 

Coffee Delights: Coffee culture thrives in Spain, offering a range of options like café solo, café con leche, and café cortado. Among these, Canarian Barraquito stands as a personal favorite, boasting an enchanting blend of flavors. 

Photo: Coffee Delights. Spain.

Tea Transformation: While tea may not enjoy the same popularity as coffee, it is referred to as «infusión» instead of «té.» Those yearning for a savory or sweet tea experience can indulge in various preparations, often served alongside delectable buns or sandwiches. 

Photo: Tee infusión. Spain.

Milk Variety: Spaniards favor long-lasting milk over fresh milk (Leche fresca). Milk with varying fat content is available, including whole (la leche natural, entera, 3-6% fat), bold (la leche semidesnatada, 2-2.5% fat), and fat-free (la leche desnatada 0.5-1.5% fat).

Photo: Milk. Spain.

Additionally, there are milk variants enriched with calcium, vitamin D, Omega-3, and even Leche Digestiva to aid digestion. Notably, Leche con isoflavonas de soja surprises many as cow’s milk infused with soy estrogens, not soy milk. 

Mineral Water Magic: Inseparable from Spanish life, mineral water plays a pivotal role. Diluted with wine, it concocts a Spanish «non-alcoholic» thirst-quencher, with Vichy Catalan being a favored brand. 

Photo: Mineral Water. Spain

Malta (Malta): Among the unique offerings in Spain is Malta, an intriguing beverage deserving of attention. 

Photo: Malta. Spain.

Juicy Extravaganza: Spain boasts an astounding array of juices, catering to every taste and hue. 

Photo: Juicy Extravaganza. Spain.

Sweet Carbonation: Wrapping up the journey, sweet carbonated drinks reign as a cherished favorite among the Spanish populace. 

Photo: Sweet Carbonation. Spain.

Embrace the richness of Spanish soft drinks, an adventure that guarantees a unique and refreshing experience. Allow your taste buds to traverse the vibrant and diverse world of Spanish beverages!