Tag Archives: Electrical supplies

Overload Incident at Transformation Center Reveals Illegal Connections in Murillo Neighborhood

A transformation center located in the Murillo neighborhood in Polígono Sur suffered an overload at dawn on August 19 due to illegal and fraudulent connections to the network.

As Endesa explained in a statement, the area has 10 times more power than contracted, “especially due to marijuana plantations.”

The center had two 1,000 KVA power transformers each, the company points out, and one of them caught fire “due to the conditions endured by this facility.”

Despite the fact that it only had 105 clients with a valid contract, the transformer had the capacity “to supply more than 1,200 clients by itself,” the company continues.

“That is to say, it had ten times more power than the contracted one”, the firm states, which points directly to “the overload derived from illegal couplings” as the cause of the deterioration of the installation.

In fact, the company also highlights that the center was “renovated and reinforced” just two years ago, in mid-2021, when its power was expanded “despite not having registered an increase in clients with a contract in force”.

The idea was to “try to alleviate the problems that were occurring in the area” due to these hook-ups.

After the overload, the company’s technicians managed to normalize the service at 06:00 on Sunday, after replacing the affected transformer.

The operations were carried out in coordination with the Fire Department, since the area had reached temperatures above 60 degrees.

The renovation of the transformation center and replacement of the transformer -also with 220 meters of wiring- has involved “an investment of 29,500 euros”, laments Endesa.

In 2022, the firm allocated 2.5 million euros to “actions to improve the quality and safety of electrical supplies in the Polígono Sur de Sevilla”.