Tag Archives: Firearm ownership regulations

Gun Threat Incident in New York Highlights Ongoing Concerns

Images continue to emerge of people in the United States with guns threatening people. In this case, it happened in the state of New York, where a 33-year-old woman pointed a gun at several drivers on the road until a police car ended up running over her to bring her down.

The event occurred last Tuesday at noon and the woman is currently with minor injuries and in custody at a city hospital.

What does the law say about obtaining weapons?

“A well-regulated militia, if necessary to maintain the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, must not be infringed,” says the Second Amendment, written in 1787, more than two hundred years ago. years.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 established regulations on the manufacture, import, and trade of guns, and required obtaining a permit from the Bureau for the Control of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).

Each State has different rules for obtaining a weapon, but, in general, the ATF only establishes that the person requesting it be at least 18 years old (for rifles and long guns, typical of hunting) or 21 years old (for firearms). hand), that the possession of weapons has not been expressly prohibited and that he has not deliberately falsified the documents presented to obtain the weapon.