Tag Archives: language revitalization

Revitalizing Aragonese Language Advocacy: Jorge Pueyo’s Commitment in the Congress of Deputies

Jorge Pueyo, representative of Chunta Aragonesista (CHA) in the Congress of Deputies for the Sumar coalition, promised the position in Aragonese “for Aragón, it is your rights and freedom, landscapes and rivers and the working class” (for Aragón, your rights and freedom, landscape and rivers and the working class).

Later, in statements to the media, he announced that he would continue to speak Aragonese in Congress, arguing that on a day-to-day basis he expresses himself equally in Spanish and Aragonese.

Likewise, he regretted that the president of the Chamber, Francina Armengol, did not refer to Aragonese in her speech on the use of languages.

In addition to using Aragonese in Congress, the CHA deputy intends to continue working to make its use equal to that of Catalan, Basque and Galician.

In 2021, the Congress of Deputies, with the votes of the PSOE, gave the go-ahead to a non-legal proposal, defended by Bildu and supported by nationalists, independentistas and Unidas Podemos, which urged the Government to promote statutory reforms that are necessary for their own languages, such as Aragonese or Bable, to become official.

Aragonese and Catalan appear as “proper languages” of Aragon in its Statute of Autonomy, although they do not have the rank of co-officials.

It is estimated that some 25,000 people know how to speak Aragonese, to which are added another 20,000 who understand and know it but do not express themselves in it. And they declare that some 17,000 people know how to write in Aragonese.

In addition to appearing in the school curriculum and being taught voluntarily in schools and institutes where it is the predominant language, Aragón has its own Language Academy with the Aragonese and Catalan institutes.

At the beginning of the mandate of the socialist Javier Lambán, the General Directorate of Language Policy was created, in the hands of CHA, which the new PP-Vox government has announced that it is going to abolish it.

The ‘Aragonese Broncano’

Jorge Pueyo, 28, a lawyer and until now the presenter of a program in Aragonese on Aragón Televisión, is known as the Aragonese Broncano.

He was born in Fonz, a town in Huesca where Aragonese is spoken. He has said that during his childhood he experienced situations of linguistic inequality, which made him interested in the dissemination of Aragonese.

He has published several poems in Aragonese and his project for the dissemination of Aragonese began with a YouTube channel, a kind of program in Aragonese that was not successful.

In May 2019, the Charrín Charrán program premiered, the first program in Aragonese on Aragón TV, presented by Silvia Cebolla, where he participated as editor and reporter.

He rose to fame when in October 2021 he began to publish a morning newscast from Monday to Thursday in Aragonese on Twitter and was able to reach many more people. In fact, his first video reached 30,000 views.

In 2022, the program A escampar la boira premiered, a midnight program for Aragón TV, where they interviewed relevant personalities inside and outside Aragón in Aragonese.

In addition to promising the position in Aragonese, Pueyo wore the tie that José Antonio Labordeta wore for the first time when he took office as a deputy in Congress for CHA. The garment in question was designed by the painter Agustín Ibarrola.