Tag Archives: natural phenomena

Unveiling the Enigma: Global Quest for Nessie, the Loch Ness Mythical Creature

The results of the autopsy indicate that the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta died after being slit by the young Spanish Daniel Sancho, assured this Monday the number two of the Thai Police, Surachate Hakparn, in charge of the investigation of the crime on August 2. .

We already have the final results of the autopsy.. First they quarreled, according to the evidence at the scene (of the crime). Daniel punched him, then the doctor (Arrieta) fell and hit his head against the sink, but he did not die at that moment, but when (Sancho) began to cut his throat, according to forensics,” he said in an interview. .

Sancho has been in provisional detention in the Koh Samui prison, in southern Thailand, since August 7, after confessing to the murder.

The trial, within 3 to 6 months

Surachate, known as ‘Big Joke’, assured that they already have “sufficient evidence” and hopes that the police investigation report will be sent to the Prosecutor’s Office this week, so that the trial could begin from between three and six months.

“It can be said that this case is already closed, complete. (…) The case has been resolved quickly. Now the Police are preparing the final report to send it to the Prosecutor’s Office before this Friday,” said the policeman supervising the investigation.

The Police have 83 days for the investigation, which began when Sancho entered pretrial detention on August 7.

Missing body parts

The senior police officer, however, already made a similar announcement last Tuesday during a press conference at the Koh Phangan police station, the tourist island neighboring Koh Samui where the murder and dismemberment of Arrieta took place on August 2 .

Surachate then concluded the investigation and stated that Sancho had stabbed Arrieta in the left side of the chest during a fight, although the cause of death was unknown, as autopsy results were not available at the time.

This Monday ‘Big Joke’ spoke of a punch, and not a stabbing, and stated that the autopsy results are “definitive”.

Surachate also admitted in the conversation that there are still parts of Arrieta’s body to be found, and that one of them is the torso, where he believes the surgeon’s mobile phone could be located.

New interrogation

Sancho was questioned again by police officers in the Koh Samui prison last Wednesday, which showed that the investigation was continuing, despite the announcement by the Surachate media that the case had been closed the previous day.

Sancho, 29, has been accused by the Police of premeditated murder after he himself confessed to having killed and dismembered the 44-year-old Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta on August 2 on the Thai island of Phangan.

Sancho and Arrieta, who met last year through Instagram, had met in Koh Phangan on August 2, the day the surgeon was murdered and dismembered, whose remains have been found in various locations on the island. including the sea.